
Sunday, February 12, 2017

How to measure soil moisture?

Since my indoor plant selection appears to be growing exponentially, I wanted to get something know the water needs of my plants. So I surfed around the net for a while and came across this Soil moisture meter. At first i was somewhat skeptical because most of the reviews were from folks that got it for reviews.

Well, I got it and tested it out. My impression at first was not so good. I did the water test and it barely went up to five, which means barely moist. I kept messing around with it for ten minutes or so with no luck. I was getting ready to send it back. I told myself to try it one last time in water. I told myself to try it one last time, but this time in water. i got the same result. I was mad now so I gave it a good flick with my finger and the Moisture Meter went all the way past wet!!! i don't know what happened however it worked.

I promptly started testing it out on my plants and sure enough it definitely was giving me some readings that i know were way more proper than before. After I sprinkle some water on the plants it shot to wet were before it was almost dry.

Even with plants that looked dry on the top of the soil read wet. So I stuck my finger in the dirt, and sure enough it absolutely was moist to the touch. So my experience started off not so great but ended up much much better. I'm not certain flicking it with your finger can work for everybody but it worked for me. It was a good flick by the way. (:-)

Gave it 4 stars for the flicking and it additionally says it's a pH meter which it is not. Also, all my plants aren't listed which is acceptable, however some are pretty common house plants that are not included in the list. Lastly, there is one plant that i feel is on the incorrect spot on the list. The Sansevieria aka "mother-in-law's tongue" is in the last zone which is 6-7. I'm not an expert however these plants like to grow in the dry soil, i would place them in the 1-3 zone, but if your afraid that you will kill the plant then 4-5 tops. Especially in the winters.

Generally, most plants like to grow in the moist soil but just do your research on what plant you want to grow, to get a better idea on its needs.

You can get the Soil Moisture Meter from here - Amazon

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